Yoni Steam Floral


Shakti Medicine Womben provide a range of beautiful products for the Feminine.

Ingredients of this beautiful Yoni Steam, is Rose, Motherwart, Calendula, Mugwort, Lavendar and Chamomile.

This treatment is known for its antibacterial properties, relaxing effects, and ability to cleanse and center.

To perform a Yoni Steam, prepare herbs, boil water, add herbs to a bowl, and allow the steam to cleanse and revitalize. You can either squat over the steam or place the bowl in a toilet bowl if you do not have a yoni steam chair. Cover legs with a towel.  Steam for 20 minutes.

3 in stock



Shakti Medicine Womben provide a range of beautiful products for the Feminine.

Ingredients of this beautiful Yoni Steam, is Rose, Motherwart, Calendula, Mugwort, Lavendar and Chamomile.

This treatment is known for its antibacterial properties, relaxing effects, and ability to cleanse and center.

To perform a Yoni Steam, prepare herbs, boil water, add herbs to a bowl, and allow the steam to cleanse and revitalize. You can either squat over the steam or place the bowl in a toilet bowl if you do not have a yoni steam chair. Cover legs with a towel.  Steam for 20 minutes.

Additional information

Weight 0.030 kg
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 1 cm


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